Suilven Database of British and Irish Hills


This website was created 24 years ago as Statistical Topics in Hillwalking for those interested in statistics and statistical topics pertaining to the British hills and mountains: measurement, classification, lists and data. Nowadays its main function is to provide a home for the Database of British and Irish Hills. The DoBIH was founded by Graham Jackson and Chris Crocker in 2001 with the intention of providing a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for British hillwalkers. It has grown considerably in the intervening years and is currently maintained by a team of eight.

The DoBIH is offered as a downloadable database on this site, and as an online database at Both formats offer logging facilities and there is a facility for transferring personal ascent records from one to the other. Ancillary resources are divided between the sites. The main documentation is the Database Notes on this site, which also carries the revision history and change registers recording changes to various lists over time. Survey reports, the change control database and the GPS database are on Hill Bagging. The majority of bagging websites and apps take their data from the DoBIH, though not always from the latest release.

  Current release: v18   29 July 2023

The DoBIH pioneered the use of differential GPS instruments and line surveying by automatic level and staff to obtain accurate measurements of height, drop and location. Our surveys are carried out to professional standards and data are accepted by Ordnance Survey. Well-publicised survey results include the reclassifications of Sgurr nan Ceannaichean and Beinn a' Chlaidheimh from Munro to Corbett, the reclassification of Cnoc Coinnich from Graham to Corbett, the de-twinning of the Corbetts Sgurr a' Bhac Chaolais and Buidhe Bheinn, the deletion of Knight's Peak from the list of Munro Tops, and the addition of three 2000ft summits, Mynydd Graig Goch in Wales and Thack Moor and Calf Top in England. Nowadays our main supplier of British survey data is Alan Dawson, and in Ireland, MountainViews with whom we have a data sharing agreement.


Hoove survey

DoBIH editors on Hoove, 6 Feb 2014


Simon Edwardes and Simon Stewart

Simon Edwardes and Simon Stewart (MV)
DoBIH/MountainViews meeting,
Porthmadog, 31 August 2013

Updated 24 June 2024

  • June 24: News items
  • June 3: General updating
  • Apr 10: Bernie Hughes joins editorial team
  • Mar 11: Developments on Hill-bagging website, and new Ireland map. See News.
  • Nov 15: Dodd deletion
  • Oct 30: SIB and Carn changes
  • Sept 18: minor changes
  • July 29: DoBIH v18 released
  • July 19: Ethels and High Hills of Britain added to Hill Bagging. Database Notes updated.
  • July 12: News of DoBIH v18 and lists to be added
  • May 31: Three changes to the Simms, Dodds/Deweys and SIBs
  • May 10: Two changes to the Submarilyns, see News. Updated mapping links, minor revision to Database Notes.
  • Apr 3: Changes to Irish data, see News
  • Jan 1: Dewey deletion
Previous updates

visits since October 1999

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